Saltelele si protectiile de la Babybay

Bebelusii dorm foarte mult si deoarece norisorii nu sunt practici (prea multa umiditate si prea putina fermitate 🙂 ) avem solutia potrivita pentru voi.

Saltelele Babybay sunt realizate din materiale naturale, sunt ferme pentru a asigura dezvoltatea bebelusilor si sunt la fel de comfortabile ca si norisorii

Bebelusul tau, la inceput, isi va petrece cea mai mare parte din timp in patut.

Datorita materialelor din care sunt fabricate, saltelele si protectiile de la Babybay sunt ideale pentru a mentine bebelusul uscat si comfortabil, astfel incat tu ve fi linistita stiind ca bebelusul tau este infasurat intr-un mediu de somn sigur si protejat.


Classic Cotton Soft – For a healthy sleep.


  • Open-pored, breathable comfort foam core

  • Soft, quilted cotton cover made of 100 % cotton that adapts perfectly to your baby’s body

  • Removable cover and machine washable up to 40 °C


Classic Fresh – Air supply for active babies.


  • Open-pored, breathable comfort foam core with moisture-regulating, vertical air-conditioning ducts adapted to the bed surface

  • Soft, quilted, and breathable hygiene cover, water-repellent

  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Removable cover and machine washable up to 60 °C

KlimaWave® – Breathable dry sleeping.


  • Open-pored, breathable comfort foam core with moisture-regulating, vertical air-conditioning ducts adapted to the bed surface

  • Wave contour for optimal comfort lying down and additional horizontal ventilation

  • Soft, quilted, and breathable hygiene cover with moisture protection function

  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Removable cover and machine washable up to 60 °C

Medicott® Wave – Natural hygiene for healthy babies.


  • Open-pore, breathable comfort foam core with moisture-regulating, vertical air-conditioning ducts adapted to the bed surface

  • Wave contour for optimal comfort lying down and additional horizontal ventilation

  • Soft, quilted, and breathable hygiene cover with moisture protection and innovative Medicott® finish, natural protection against mold and stick flare, active against pest infestation

  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Removable cover and machine washable up to 60 °C



Natural – Naturally healthy sleep.


  • Breathable coconut fibers bound with natural latex for excellent moisture transport and heat storage

  • Soft, quilted, and breathable cotton cover made of 100 % cotton that adapts optimally to baby’s body

  • Removable cover and machine washable up to 40 °C

Ultrafresh Wave – Essential oils for a peaceful sleep.

  • Open-pored, breathable hygienic comfort foam core FreshCELL with moisture-regulating, vertical air-conditioning ducts adapted to the bed surface for an antibacterial and withe-free sleeping environment

  • Wave contour for optimal comfort lying down and additional horizontal ventilation

  • Soft, quilted, and breathable hygiene cover with moisture protection and oil essences of lavender and eucalyptus, with anti-allergy effect and active against pest infestation

  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Removable cover and machine washable up to 60 °C

Medicott® AngelWave® – A dream-like, weightless sleep.

  • Open-pore, breathable, two-part comfort and gel foam core with vertical air-conditioning ducts adapted to the bed surface for optimum pressure relief, support, and temperature compensation

  • Wave contour for optimal comfort lying down and additional horizontal ventilation

  • Soft, quilted, and breathable hygiene cover with moisture protection and innovative Medicott® finish, natural protection against mold and stick flare, active against pest infestation

  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Removable cover and machine washable up to 60 °C

Intense AngelWave® – Promotes weightless restful sleep.

  • Open-pore, breathable, two-part comfort and gel foam core with vertical air-conditioning ducts adapted to the bed surface for optimum pressure relief, support, and temperature compensation

  • Wave contour for optimal comfort lying down and additional horizontal ventilation

  • Soft, quilted, and breathable hygiene cover with Intense finishing, moisture protection, and carbon fiber to absorb electrons and promote the release of melatonin and thus a healthy and peaceful sleep, breathable

  • Suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Removable cover and machine washable up to 60 °C

Cearceafuri si protectii pentru saltea

Bebelusii sunt foarte exigenti cand vine vorba de somnul lor si din fericire, noi am gasit solutia pentru voi, parinti.
Saltelele si protectiile de la Babybay raspund tuturor nevoilor copiilor: confortabile, respirabile, rezistente la apa, hipoalergenice, durabile si, cel mai important, certificate privind siguranta copiilor.

Alege protectia potrivita

Protectie Terry

  • Moale si durabila, protejeaza bebelusul impotriva umezelii.

  • Se ataseaza saltelei prin banda elastica.

  • Se spala la masina la 60°C.

  • Compozitie: 75% bumbac, 25% poliester.

  • Certificat Oeko TEX Standard 100

Protectie Jersey

  • Fabricata 100% din bumbac de inalta calitate.

  • Este moale, confortabila si durabila.

  • Este hipoargenica si permite aerisirea facila a bebelusului.

  • Se spala la masina la 60°C.

  • Certificat Oeko TEX Standard 100

Protectie Clima

  • Pastreaza bebelusul in siguranta si uscat, fiind in acelasi timp respirabila si rezistenta la apa si mucegai.

  • Transpiratia si alte lichide raman la suprafata, fiind usor de curatat.

  • Un cearceaf ce asigura atat de multa protectie poate parea aspru si inconfortabil, insa Clima este moale si comoda.

  • Fabricata din 42% bumbac, 32% nylon si 26% poliester

  • Se ataseaza la saltea cu fermoar

Pentru a configura patutul babybay asa cum iti doresti

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